The Miraculous Phoenix! .
The Deadly Inkling .
The Cutest Back Scratcher .
The Friendly Foe .
The Pointy Friend .
The Ultimate Sky Rodent .
The Hope for a New Generation .
The Immaculate Conception .
The Participation Award Kid .
🎖️ .
What if i was an “The Gorillaz”??? .
bein’ silly with the Midjourney .
I want to break free .
I feel like you're all going to hate me because i use MidJourney to try to express my feelings that i don't know how to put words on to. Feels like everyone says AI things are stealing and hurts artists.

but english is hard for me and makes me so tired. and most of you don't know Auslan so you can't understand visual communication unless it's pictures and movies.

i feel like i should just shut up and stop trying to get people to understand my feelings. i tried so hard to find a way that works and now the whole world hates it.
P.S. i decorated this blog post entirely with Splatoon fonts and stickers stolen from their video games mostly from screenshots. because I am thief and bad.

Actually nah gonna keep posting AI arts it's ok you can hate me .
"The worst trick a childhood anxiety disorder pulls is, you spend your early years being applauded for being so much more mature than your peers, because you aren't disruptive, you don't want any kind of attention, you don't express yourself, you keep yourself to yourself - this makes you a pleasure to have in class, etc etc - and you start to believe it's virtue. But you're actually way behind your peers in normal social development, and who knows if you can ever catch up."
Aivi Tran’s .
is so cute and nice! .
đź’šđź’šđź’šđź’šđź’šđź’šđź’šđź’šđź’šđź’š .
“Leap of Faith” .
going to the Zoo was pretty cool
but i still feel
like.. does anyone really
believe in me?
i guess they can't
how could they even know me?
i'm just a little ghost

i should start a cult so someone
believe in me